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Helping your employees take control of their financial lives is a win-win. When employees are financially stressed, they tend to be less productive: 46% of employees under financial stress say they spend three or more hours of company time distracted by personal finances every week.1 Financial stress can also have insidious effects throughout your company, ranging from reduced morale to delayed retirement. 

We believe that you can encourage and inspire your employees with compelling financial wellness initiatives. Employees are in favor: 3 out of 4 plan participants say they could use a helping hand from their employers to get their savings on track for retirement.2

As an employer, your involvement is important. We strive to provide financial education that helps your employees feel confident about their savings goals and, ultimately, their retirement futures. 

1. PriceWaterHouseCoopers LLP. “2018 Employee Financial Wellness Survey.” May 2018.

2. American Century Investments. “6th Annual National Survey of DC Plan Participants.” Nov 2018.

Our Services
Plan Design Education 

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